Some violent men beat up their sons, until the boys are strong enough to hit back 一些粗暴的人对自己的儿子大打出手,直到他们有了还手之力才肯罢休。
If somebody hit me, I'd hit him back. 如果有人打我,我会还手。
The President has hit back at those who have criticised his economic reforms 总统对那些批评过其经济改革措施的人进行了反击。
British Rail immediately hit back with their own cheap fares scheme. 英国铁路公司马上推出自己的低票价方案予以反击。
Alibaba hit back on Thursday, with vice chairman Joe Tsai dismissing the allegations as unfair. 阿里巴巴周四进行了反击,执行副主席蔡崇信认为这些指控是不公平的。
I think this is very unfair. So we want to hit back against the Big Bad Wolf. 我认为这很不公平。所以我们想要赶走大灰狼。
Payer can hit back at an unjust government is to vote against them at the next election. 纳税人回击不公正政府的惟一方法是在下次选举中对他们投反对票。
I hit back at her criticism. 我对她的批评进行了反击。
But China has hit back, saying the measures taken were in line with WTO objectives of sustainable development. 但是中国回应称,采取的这些措施符合世贸组织的可持续发展目标。
When you've been betrayed by a friend, you hit back. 你被朋友出卖,你应该报复他。
Are we not entitled to hit back? 我们难道无权反击?
In a TV interview she hit back at her critics. 她在接受电视采访时,反驳了那些批评者的观点。
He hit back at his opponents in the debate. 在辩论中他积极反驳对手。
China hit back over the weekend. 中国上周末进行了反击。
She just tipped the ball over the net. The tennis Ball was hit Back and forth. 她刚好把球击过网.网球被来回地击打。
Our army hit back from the beginning. 一开始我们的部队就进行回击。
But Finbar wants us to hit back down here immediately. 芬巴希望我们马上打回去。
This week BofA hit back, publicly denying analysis and rumours published on a number of financial blogs. 美银本周进行了回击,公开反驳发表在一些金融博客上的分析和谣言。
Glen Johnson almost hit back immediately for England, slaloming past three American defenders before driving with his left foot towards the bottom corner. 格伦·约翰逊眼看就要为英格兰扳回一球了,他过了三个美国对防守队员,然后瞄准球门底角,左脚射门。
As soon as an enemy battery opens fire, fighter-bombers can be ordered into the air to hit back. 一旦敌军开炮,战斗轰炸机就能受命起飞进行反击了。
China hit back yesterday at Mr Bush, calling his remarks an interference in its domestic affairs. 中国昨日回击了布什讲话,称他的言论是对中国内政的干涉。
She angrily hit back at those who had criticized her. 她愤怒地回击了那些批评她的人。
Teacher hit me. I hit back, and got kicked out of school, and created a riot and so forth. 老师打我,我还手了,因此我被赶出了学校。
He hit back from the beginning. 从一开始他就进行回击。
A week ago, Mr Obama talked about his physique as he hit back at critics in a speech in Miami. 一周前,奥巴马在迈阿密的一次演讲中反击批评言论时谈及了自己的体格问题。
George Bush and his senior advisers have already hit back. 布什及其高级顾问业已进行还击。
Other exercises include sprinting along rooftops ( Crouching Tiger style), testing your memory with form practice, hitting bricks before they hit back and deflecting fireballs thrown by Buddha. 其它活动包括冲刺沿屋顶(卧虎样式),测试你的记忆与窗体的做法,他们打回打砖块和偏向火球引发的佛。
Trust me, he'll hit the road so hard, it'll hit back. 信我一把,他要被狠狠砸到公路上,这就叫反击。
Actually I wanted to tell you just now that in the girls'chase, the girls are allowed to chase and hit boys but boys are not allowed to hit back. 其实我刚才就想告诉你了,姑娘追,姑娘追,意思是只许姑娘追打小伙子,小伙子是不许还手的。
Iran and Venezuela can use pressure on the dollar as a way to hit back at the US. 伊朗和委内瑞拉可以利用对美元加压,作为反击美国的方法。